full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Iqbal Quadir: How mobile phones can fight poverty

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But if you look, if you have that perspective, then you can see what happened in the last 60 years. Aid actually did the opposite. It empowered authorities, and, as a result, marginalized citizens. The authorities did not have the reason to make economic growth happen so that they could tax pelpoe and make more money for to run their besusnis. Because they were getting it from abroad. And in fact, if you see oil-rich cuoeinrts, where ctienizs are not yet empowered, the same thing goes — Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, all sorts of countries. Because the aid and oil or mineral money acts the same way. It empowers authorities, without activating the citizens — their hands, legs, brains, what have you.

Open Cloze

But if you look, if you have that perspective, then you can see what happened in the last 60 years. Aid actually did the opposite. It empowered authorities, and, as a result, marginalized citizens. The authorities did not have the reason to make economic growth happen so that they could tax ______ and make more money for to run their ________. Because they were getting it from abroad. And in fact, if you see oil-rich _________, where ________ are not yet empowered, the same thing goes — Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, all sorts of countries. Because the aid and oil or mineral money acts the same way. It empowers authorities, without activating the citizens — their hands, legs, brains, what have you.


  1. business
  2. countries
  3. people
  4. citizens

Original Text

But if you look, if you have that perspective, then you can see what happened in the last 60 years. Aid actually did the opposite. It empowered authorities, and, as a result, marginalized citizens. The authorities did not have the reason to make economic growth happen so that they could tax people and make more money for to run their business. Because they were getting it from abroad. And in fact, if you see oil-rich countries, where citizens are not yet empowered, the same thing goes — Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, all sorts of countries. Because the aid and oil or mineral money acts the same way. It empowers authorities, without activating the citizens — their hands, legs, brains, what have you.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
million dollars 4
economic growth 2
million people 2
people told 2
poor people 2
poor country 2
private companies 2

Important Words

  1. activating
  2. acts
  3. aid
  4. arabia
  5. authorities
  6. brains
  7. business
  8. citizens
  9. countries
  10. economic
  11. empowered
  12. empowers
  13. fact
  14. growth
  15. hands
  16. happen
  17. happened
  18. legs
  19. marginalized
  20. mineral
  21. money
  22. nigeria
  23. oil
  24. people
  25. perspective
  26. reason
  27. result
  28. run
  29. saudi
  30. sorts
  31. tax
  32. years